Adam Blunt

16 Y/O Web Developer

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Hi, I'm Adam a 16 year old web developer, starting sometime in 2011 I self taught my self HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP and as of 2015 have made nearly 100 different websites :O
and don't intend to stop anytime soon

Social Links

Featured Projects


EasyLS is a Link shortener script that I am in the process of making.
Once finished it should be one of the most advanced link shortener scripts out there.


Arkena was a multi server network I designed a website for, unfortunately they have vanished since then :(

Adam Blunt

I designed this page, and my blog linked above, both look pretty snazzy for a few nights work.

What I do

Minecraft Websites

A lot of the sites I design are for Minecraft servers and build teams, I have designed websites for a ton of servers and build teams from the whole site even to fancy stat systems.

ProcessWire Websites

When I need to make a website from scratch I use a CMS (Conent Mangement System) called ProcessWire, I have found this to be so user friendly that I don't have to teach you how to use it, except how to login of course.

WordPress Websites

I have quite a lot of experience with WordPress and have been using it since 2010, I can create my own themes for it and have also made one or two small plugins for it.

Equipment I Use


  • MacBook Pro 15" Mid 2009

    This machine is my baby, it handles 90% of my workload and never skips a beat doing so, its maxed out with a 256GB SSD and 8GB of ram and so it runs like butter.

  • MacBook Air 13" Mid 2009

    This little beast handles any work I need to do away from home, for example at school when I have free lessons, also has an SSD for pretty decent speed

  • Surface RT 32GB

    Used for testing sites with touch screens and Internet Explorer ;(

  • Lumia 930

    Mainly used for testing sites on mobile screens, but it's also my actual phone.

  • Dell Optiplex GX620

    Just an old computer being used as my home server for testing stuff and PHP development


  • Sublime Text 2

    Sublime has been my editor of choice for the past 2 years, due to it's reliability and ease of use.

  • Firefox

    My browser of choice, it never lets me down and is way more stable than Chrome (personal opinion)

  • Safari

    A different browser for testing, also used on MacBook Air due to lack of RAM

  • Microsoft OneNote

    My favorite note taking app, helps me keep track of projects

  • Spotify

    Spotify mainly helps me focus on working by giving me hours of music to listen to while working

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me if you need any help, I respond to emails in 24 hours or less :D

Or you can contact me via email or via social networks.

I made this site one new years eve night (no party for me) so it probably has 20 thousand spelling and grammar issues :|

Site content and images © Adam Blunt 2016
Site made in 5 hours because of a challenge :D
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